Friends Furever Animal Rescue’s mission has served countless homeless dogs on a local and regional scale since 2015.
A planned gift will help to ensure our long-term financial health and secure our rescue’s ability to continue this mission.
By recognizing Friends Furever Animal Rescue in your will, trust, or insurance policy, or by setting up an annuity during your lifetime for the future, you can be certain that we will be assisting stray and abandoned dogs in need for years and years to come. Support our work for animals while also fulfilling your own financial goals and objectives.
To assist you with this important process, we have provided some basic information (below) on the types of gifts that may be a good match for you during your lifetime or after you are gone.
Detailed information can be provided by your business or estate attorney.
Have you already included Friends Furever Animal Rescue in your plans? Please let us know so that we can plan for our future.
leave a living legacy
Here are some ways to help us now and see your
‘inter vivos’ gift in action during your lifetime.
An outright gift of cash or appreciated property is an easy and wonderful way to contribute to the work of Friends Furever Animal Rescue. Your gift will be put to immediate use, and you may be entitled to a charitable income tax deduction for the full value of your gift. Your One-Time Investment Impact $50 can provide the puppy health vaccines to keep them safe $100 can provide the majority of a spay/neuter surgery with a partner clinic $500 can provide emergency vet care for an injured, abandoned dog Your Monthly Investment Impact $10 monthly can provide milk replacement for litters of motherless kittens $20 monthly covers the cost of vaccinations for litters of puppies $50 monthly pays for required health vaccines for a dozen dogs $100 monthly covers the cost of an orthopedic surgery for a broken leg Friends Furever Animal Rescue, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your contributions to which are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. EIN: 81-1449563.
Are you 70.5 years old or older? Is your retirement account subject to Required Minimum Distributions? This type of gift may be a good fit for you. Instead of taking a distribution from your pre-tax retirement accounts, you can send that distribution directly to a charitable organization like Friends Furever Animal Rescue. QCDs are pre-tax and there is no need to itemize to gain the tax benefit. Because QCDs are only available from IRA accounts, talk with a wealth management advisor about a direct tax-free rollover if your retirement money is in any other type of pre-tax retirement account.
With this gift, you realize tax savings and can count on reliable annual income while donating to Friends Furever Animal Rescue. You make a minimum donation (e.g., cash, securities, property) to Friends Furever Animal Rescue. You receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction, and if you donate appreciated securities (stocks or mutual funds) to fund your gift annuity, you will enjoy capital gains tax savings as well. You receive fixed monthly, quarterly or annual payments for the rest of your life, at an attractive payment rate. Your gift will benefit you (and someone else, if you choose) now, and save the lives of homeless pets in the future.
CRTs can be a very useful tool for those interested in being charitable, controlling income and estate taxes, and also great for setting up a charity like Friends Furever Animal Rescue with a known income stream. Assets (e.g., cash, stocks or bonds) are placed in an irrevocable trust. The trust provides an income stream (usually by investing in an annuity). The income stream is dependent on a certain life(s). Once the life is over, the asset is turned over to the designated charity. The donor gets a current income tax charitable donation for the value of the donation less the present value of the income stream. In the end, the asset is not included in the donor’s estate for calculating estate tax.
This giving option is easy, flexible, offers tax-benefits, and is good for lump-sum donations or donating over time. A donor-advised fund is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about, like Friends Furever Animal Rescue. By donating stocks, mutual funds, or property as irrevocable contributions to a donor-advised fund via a sponsor, you can avoid any tax on the appreciation of these assets and donate the full amount to Friends Furever Animal Rescue. Some sponsors have no minimum amounts. Maximum amounts are 60% adjusted gross income for cash. The sponsor complies by sending money to the charity in the form of a grant. The sponsor may accept contributions from individuals, trusts, estates, and others.
DONoR appreciated assets
Do you own stocks or property (e.g., jewelry, art, vehicles, real estate, etc.) that have substantially increased in value? Appreciated assets may be contributed to a public charity without generally incurring capital gains taxes and generally provide a charitable deduction at the appreciated Fair Market Value. The limit on donating non-cash appreciated assets like stock is 30% of Adjusted Gross Income. If you cannot use the full charitable donation in a single year due to the Adjusted Gross Income limit, the balance can be carried over for 5 years.
Here are some ways to
leave a legacy of love after you are gone.
Bequests are best! When you make a bequest to Friends Furever Animal Rescue, you will ensure that the assets given will be used for programs and services that help animals. There are several types of bequests, including the following: SPECIFIC BEQUEST: A specified amount, or a specific asset, designated in your will or trust as a gift to Friends Furever Animal Rescue. RESIDUARY BEQUEST: Designates that a specific percentage of your estate, or all, will be paid to Friends Furever Animal Rescue after payment of all other distributions, including debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests, has been made. CONTINGENT BEQUEST: Specifies that your estate, or a portion of it, will go to Friends Furever Animal Rescue if your other named beneficiary predeceases you. SAMPLE BEQUEST LANGUAGE: To make certain that your charitable intentions are carried out, all wills, living trusts, and their codicils or amendments should be prepared by or with the advice of your estate attorney. You can share with your attorney the following language that can be included in your will or living trust and tailored to address your specific wishes: “I give to Friends Furever Animal Rescue, Inc., 218 11th Avenue E, Jerome, ID 83338-1604 501(c)3 tax ID number: 81-1449563, (the sum of $______) (ALL or __% of the residue of my estate), to be used for its general purposes.”
RETIREMENT charitable Rollover GIFTS
A gift to Friends Furever Animal Rescue through a retirement plan [e.g., IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh] is one of the easiest and most tax-effective ways to ensure a strong future for the lives we save. Such assets, if given to an individual, should be subject to income and even estate taxes. Without proper planning, the government can take ~70% of these types of assets. If given to a charity, such as Friends Furever Animal Rescue, these types of assets can escape both income and estate taxes. The rescue won’t pay income tax on the distribution, nor will your gift be subject to estate tax. These funds grow tax-free until the time of withdrawal. You can continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals and you maintain flexibility to change beneficiaries if your family's needs change during your lifetime. To get started — to name Friends Furever Animal Rescue as a beneficiary of your retirement plan – simply list it on your plan’s beneficiary designation form.
Give this gift now or later! You can use your life insurance plan to fulfill your goals and meet the needs of our non-profit organization’s mission today. All you need to do is name Friends Furever Animal Rescue as the beneficiary of your plan or as a contingent beneficiary if your other beneficiaries do not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to Friends Furever Animal Rescue free of federal estate tax. You can also transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to Friends Furever Animal Rescue and receive the charitable deduction during the year of the gift. After the transfer, the rescue can elect to either cash in the policy right away or hold the policy until the maturity date.
Let’s be partners! An easy way to make a gift to Friends Furever Animal Rescue is to name us as the TOD/POD (transfer on death/pay on death) for your bank or brokerage account. You retain full control of the account during your lifetime, and on your death, any assets remaining will be transferred to the rescue. TOD/POD can also be helpful to avoid probate on these type of financial account assets.